TN  Information Commission

Profile of the SCIC

Thiru Md.Shakeel Akhter, I.P.S(Retired),
Tamil Nadu State Chief Information Commissioner.

He joined the Indian Police Service in 1989 and held several important positions in the State and Central Government, eventually rising to the level of Director General of Police (DGP) in the State Government. He worked in different capacities as Asst. Superintendent of Police, Superintendent of Police / Deputy Commissioner of Police in various districts, Commissionerate and Chennai Police. Similarly he worked as Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Police, Inspector General (IG) of Police in range and Chennai Police and DGP office.

He served as Addl.Director General of Police (ADGP) in different organisations including heading Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation. Finally, on promotion as Director General of Police (DGP), he looked various assignments and retired as Director General of Police (DGP), CB-CID, Chennai.

He served in the Govt. of India as Officer on Special Duty to Cabinet Ministers and Private Secretary to Minister of State.

The State Chief Information Commissioner graduated in Physics (Hons) from Science College, Patna, Bihar, and completed M.Sc., (Physics) from University of Delhi.

Tamil Nadu State Information Commission
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